Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At PyCon APAC 2021, we are committed to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where all organising members, volunteers, speakers, sponsors and event attendees, whatever their age, education, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, nationality, neurotype, race, religion, belief system, spiritual practice, sexual orientation, physical ability, physical appearance, body size, or other unique characteristics feel valued and respected.

We are committed to doing that in a way that counts everybody in, with a nondiscriminatory approach and with equal opportunity for all. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and strive to ensure that all voices are valued and heard.

Here are some of the examples on how we put that into action:

Promoting Diversity


  • We have a Code of Conduct that we commit to adhere to it.
  • We have invited a diversified list inspiring keynotes speakers.
  • Apart from our diversified keynote speakers, our core organising team this year comprises 14 members of 10 different countries ages from 18 to 60 years old living in Thailand.
  • We will have 5 different tracks categorised according to genre to make attendees feel more at ease in searching for their preferred talks.
  • Volunteers from any part of the world are welcome to join us and participate in this event.
  • We support and endorse Diversity and Inclusion along with Python Software Foundation. The D&I workgroup will participate to support PyCon APAC and to help raise awareness about PSF.

Promoting Inclusion


  • To raise awareness of the diversified communities and to showcase a more represented APAC for attendees, we did that extra mile and reached out to other PyCon organisers around APAC, inviting them to submit speakers representing their respective countries.
  • All our talks will be captioned.

Increase accessibility


  • The price of our online and offline tickets will be kept at the minimal to allow accessibility of this event to all who wants to be part of PyCon APAC.
  • Attendees will not need to wake up during wee hours or change their quality meal time with family to watch our talks because we have flexible talk schedule.

Extra love for the welfare of the people in the community


  • We care for our community and we've create a special track inviting health specialists to talk about common health problems experienced by programmers, keyboard lovers to choose the right tool and install some fun sessions to add some variety to our event.
